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The customer onboarding software you need to deliver projects on time, accelerate time to value, and increase customer retention, without the chaos.

Centralize your Knowledge Base

Store all documentation and resources in one place for easy access, enabling your champions with the data they need when they need it.

Automate for Efficiency

Automate the full range of tasks, from gathering documentation to setting up information systems, freeing up your team to focus on strategic efforts.

Collaborate for Success

Encourage a collaborative environment that includes all stakeholders from the start, while ensuring a shared understanding to proactively identify and address any potential challenges.

Measure to improve

Monitor critical metrics with BigSteps, accessing detailed reports to refine the onboarding experience and focusing on the most impactful efforts.

Efficient Stakeholder Management

Stay informed with BigSteps' stakeholder management, knowing exactly who, when, and how stakeholders interact with your enterprise and who haven't.

AI-Enabled Assistance

Integrate your OpenAI/ChatGPT  accounts with BigSteps to enable AI Assistance, boosting productivity by up to 10 times. Built natively within the product.

Get Started

With Framework, It's Getting Easier To Make Your Business Look Good

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The Complete Design Solution
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Beautiful Content in Minutes
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Insights & Resources